Churchill Orchard Cyber Farmers Market Stand for Ojai Locals - it's on!
27th Apr 2020
Visit Churchill Orchard Cyber Farmers Market Stand, where you can order and pay. Please order by Tuesday morning at 9am. Your fruit will be prepared and ready for pickup on Wednesdays from 3-6.
We will have Organic Ojai Pixies, Hass Avocados, Green Skin Avocados, Oro Blanco, Cocktail Grapefruits, Page Tangors, and Lemons. Plus small sized Pixies and small Hass Avocados...
All of our organic fruit will be pre-packed; no cash or cards will be handled on site. Minimum contact with maximum fruit is our goal, and we will be practicing all food safety and social distancing protocols.
We will be masked - but friendly!
If you are interested in sending fruit to your loved ones, please visit our mail order store ship to all 50 states.
Thank you for your continued interest in our fruit and our business,
Jim, Lisa, Mike, and Melissa