EAT AT BILL'S DVD Special Edition: This new special “In the Field” edition of “Eat at Bill’s” contains the full-length, original “Eat at Bill’s” plus 10 short movies from the wider world of the Monterey Market — over two hours of new material.
Follow the food back home and visit farmers, hunters, chefs & wholesalers from the four corners of
California. Wild mushroom hunts, hidden fields of baby greens, astonishing bounty in the great Central Valley, late-night action at the Oakland Terminal Market—road trip!!
About "Eat at Bill's: Life in the Monterey Market"
Eat at Bill's: Life in the Monterey Market is a video documentary about the phenomenon that is the Monterey Market, a family owned produce market in Berkeley, CA. The focus is on Bill Fujimoto, the market's owner. Bill's enthusiasm and experience fuel the enterprise and illuminate the Market's wide world of small growers and diverse customers.
The Monterey Market's single store supports many dozens of small (and formerly small) farms. Bill's determination to support the maximum number of small growers and his passion for connecting customers with the very best has attracted a small army of restaurant customers. Bay Area chefs know the Monterey Market's back room is the place to find the season's finest.