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Fall is a wonderful time at Churchill Orchard

Posted by Jim Churchill on 15th Dec 2022

Fall is a wonderful time at Churchill Orchard. Summer is over - summer's a hard time at the orchard, hot and kinda dull, with lots of repetitive walking of irrigation lines and checking on gopher trap … read more

2022 Kishu Pixie Harvest - interesting times report

Posted by Lisa B. on 11th May 2022

Our friend and farmer mentor Tony Thacher says it every year: "Every year is Different".There are patterns and cycles, sure - still: Every year adds new elements to the mix. Every year brings some los … read more

Spring flower show

Posted by Lisa B. on 27th Apr 2022

April is a glorious and fragrant time in the orchard. Fruit and flowers abound, and the air is delicious. April is also harvest time for Pixies, and most of our other varieties, so it's the busie … read more

Churchill Orchard 2022 Season Preview

8th Jan 2022

Many of you are new to Churchill Orchard and our little deal - let us introduce ourselves. We specialize in seasonal citrus and avocado varieties, which means our offerings … read more